英语口语技能是听、说、读、写四项基本语言技能中很重要的一种技能。要通过课堂教学提高学生口语能力 ,必须从教师、教学方法和学生三方面入手 ,即教师应组织和动员学生积极参与学习 ,采取循序渐进的教学方法 ,发挥学生的主观能动性。学生应有明确的学习目标和计划 ,积极配合老师 。
Spoken English is a very important skill in learning English. It is the key of intercommunication, the most direct and effective way to show one's English level. This essay, with the analysis of three aspects in English study( teacher, teaching method and student ),points out the problems existing in oral English teaching,puts forward new ideas and aims at improving students' oral English level and promoting English teaching.
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Social Science Edition)