
从考试机关到人事机关 民国考试院的理念与现实 被引量:4

The Examination Yuan:From the Examination Institute to the Personnel & Administrative Organ
摘要 南京国民政府成立不久,即设置了中央最高考试机关——考试院。这一方面是基于五权宪法的"国父遗教",另一方面也源于中国传统科举取士的文化。考试院的职权范围并不限于狭义的考试(考选)权,还有人事(铨叙)权。在考试院体制的发展过程中,随着政治现实的变化,以及中华民国宪法的拟定,考试院的组织与职权也屡有变更。1946年宪法与1947年《考试院组织法》所最后确立的考试院体制,不尽符合孙中山的理念,也有别于传统中国或现代西方的范式。关于考试院制度有很多争议,集中在考试院行使人事权之正当性、考试院应采首长制还是委员制、人事一条鞭与地方自治的矛盾、文官考选是否分省区定额、对民意代表应否通过考选铨定资格等问题上。研究民国考试院制度的形成与矛盾,对于当代中国考试、人事制度建设与政治体制完善,亦有一定参考意义。 The Nanjing Government established the national supreme examination institute--Exami- nation Yuan. This was not only a consequence of "the will of the founder" who (created) the Five--pow- er constitution, but also a reflection of traditional culture of the Chinese imperial examination. Besides examination power, the Examination Yuan has personnel and administrative power. Looking at the devel- opment of the Examination Yuan, with the change of political reality and the formulation of the ROC Constitution, the organization and powers of the Examination Yuan were frequently changed. The system of the Examination Yuan which established by the "1946 Constitution" and the "1947 Examination Yuan Organization Law" is not in accordance with the idea of Dr. Sun Yat--sen and differs from the traditional Chinese or modern Western paradigm. There is a lot of controversy about the Examination Yuan, most of which focusses on the legitimacy of the personnel power of the Examination Yuan, the presidential sys- tem of the Examination Yuan, the conflicts between the centralized personnel ~ administrative power and the local autonomy, and some other issues. The research concerning the formation of the institution of the Examination Yuan as well as contradictions hidden in the system is valuable for constructing and improving contemporary Chinese institutions or systems of examination, personnel and politics.
作者 聂鑫
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《中外法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期565-582,共18页 Peking University Law Journal
基金 国家"万人计划"青年拔尖人才计划的支持
关键词 考试院 考选 铨叙 人事一条鞭 The Examination Yuan Examination Selection The Examination on the Examination on the Records I Qualifications of Officials in Making Appointments The Centralized Personnel Ad- ministrative Power
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