
中国农村绿色发展绩效的空间差异 被引量:48

Spatial difference of Chinese rural green development performance
摘要 运用多种DEA模型与Gini准则相结合的方法,采用2003—2012年中国31个省、直辖市和自治区农村数据,对中国及其各地区农村绿色发展绩效值进行了动态测算与分析,在此基础上,对各省市及其所属地区农村绿色发展绩效值进行排名和分析。结果表明,从全国层面来看,中国农村绿色发展绩效整体上呈现上升趋势,如综合绩效值由2.184上升至2.824,表明全国在关注农村经济发展的同时越来越注重环境保护,注重资源和能源的节约,从而促进了全国农村地区绿色发展绩效的提高;从分区域来看,农村绿色发展绩效存在地区差异,绿色发展绩效较高地区是东北,年均值为2.502,西北次之,年均值为2.385,华北、华东和中南地区绩效值相对偏低;进一步地,各省、直辖市和自治区农村绿色发展绩效逐年呈现上升趋势,但有部分省市,如辽宁、河北和山西等,农村绿色发展绩效值偏低,甚至低于该省市所在地区的平均绩效值,这不仅反映了该省市农村绿色发展绩效较低,而且表明了该省市农村绿色发展绩效的高低制约着其所在地区农村整体绿色发展绩效的提升。此外,由于不同省、直辖市和自治区在资源禀赋、技术水平、政策和制度环境等方面不同,农村绿色发展的绩效值在省际之间存在较大差异。基于研究结果,在今后我国农村地区绿色发展过程中,一方面,需要加大绿色资源的投入,为农村绿色发展提供基本的条件;另一方面,需要加大对农村绿色劳动力的投入,确保为农村绿色发展提供高素质劳动力;与此同时,还要不断提高绿色技术水平,为农村绿色发展创造良好的技术条件,以此促进我国农村地区绿色绩效的进一步提高。 Based on the rural data from 2003 to 2012 of 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China, this paper not only dynamically evaluates and analyzes the performance of rural green development by the method combining multiple DEA models with Gini criterion, but also ranks the rural green development performance among provinces and areas. It is found that the nationwide performance of rural green development in China is presented an increasing tendency. For example, the comprehensive performance is up to 2. 824 from 2. 184, which indicates that China is focused on both rural economic development and environmental protertion. Moreover, the performances of rural green development in different areas are not alike. Among these areas, the highest performance level of rural green development is the Northeast, and the mean performance is 2. 502. The performance of the Northwest is lower than that of northeastern area, and the mean performance is 2. 385, but higher than the other areas. Meanwhile, the performance of rural green development of the North China, Eastern China and Mid-south China are lower. Further, the performances of rural green development in provinces are increased by year. However, the performance levels of some provinces such as Liaoning, Hebei and Shanxi, are not only at low levels, but also lower than the average level of these areas. This indicates that the levels of rural green development in these provinces are low, and their low levels restrict the overall level of rural green development. Besides, because of the different areas have different resource endowment, technical skill, policy and institutional environment, there is a big difference between provinces about the performance of rural green development. Based on the results above, on the one hand, rural China should increase the input of green resources in order to provide the basic condition for rural green development ; on the other hand, rural China should increase the input of rural green labor so that it can provide highly skilled workforce for rural green development. In addition, the level of green technique should be increased in rural areas to create good technical conditions for the rural green development and to promote green performance in rural areas in China.
作者 谢里 王瑾瑾
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期20-26,共7页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金面上基金"中国制造业协同集聚的生态环境效应:传导机制 实证检验与调控政策研究"(批准号:71573074) 国家社会科学基金重大项目"推进我国区域经济 政治 文化 社会及生态协同发展研究"(批准号:11&ZD012) 湖南省哲学社会科学基金基地项目"制度安排引导产业转移微观机理与实证研究"(批准号:13JD013) 湖南省哲学社会科学基金重点项目"建国以来我国区域发展战略的演变 反思与构想研究"(批准号:12ZDB32)
关键词 农村 绿色发展绩效 多DEA-Gini准则 空间差异 rural area green development performance multiple DEA-Gini criterion spatial difference
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