张欣小说以描写南国都市生活和都市女性为主 ,其关注当下生存的创作主题 ,着力刻画都市平民的形象塑造 ,以及富于个性的艺术表现手法 ,都深受岭南文化的影响 ,折射出岭南文化的地域特色和时代内涵 ,这使其作品在都市文学和女性文学中独树一帜 ,具有独特的艺术韵味。
Zhang Xin's novels concentrate on describing urban life and urban women in South China.They pay close attention to current life, depicting figures of urban populace and employing characteristic artistic expression. All these benefit much from Guangdong culture and reflect the regional features and connotation of the epochal Guangdong culture. Because of all this, Zhang Xin has developed a new style of her own in urban literature and women literature with her works having distinctive artistic charm.