
类Li硼离子内壳层三重激发态2s2p^2的结构和俄歇过程 被引量:1

Energy structure and Auger processes of thetriply-core-excited states 2s2p^2 of Li-like boron
摘要 采用基于全相对论框架的多组态Dirac-Fock方法,研究了类Li硼离子内壳层三重激发态2s2p^2的结构和俄歇退激发过程.为了充分考虑电子关联效应,将活动空间扩展到n=8壳层.详细讨论了电子关联效应对类Li硼离子内壳层三重激发态2s2p^2结构和俄歇退激发过程的影响.结果表明,在对类Li硼离子内壳层三重激发态2s2p^2进行理论研究时,有必要考虑来自n=8壳层的电子关联效应.本文模拟的类Li硼离子内壳层三重激发态2s2p^2的俄歇电子谱与实验符合好. Energies and Auger decay processes of the triply-core-excited states 2s2p^2 of Li-like boron are studied using the fully relativistic Multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method. Electron correlations effects from n = 1 - 8 subshells are considered using active space method. Electron correlations effects on structures and the Auger processes of the triply-core-excited states 2s2p^2 of Li-like boron are discussed in detail. Results show that electron correlations effects from n = 1 - 8 subshells are important. Furthermore, good agreements are found between our results of Auger spectra from the triply-core-excited states 2s2p^2 of Li-like boron and the experimental results.
出处 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期392-396,共5页 Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics
基金 国家自然科学基金(11164022 11264033) 青海省自然科学基金(2015-ZJ-948Q) 甘肃省自然科学基金(1308RJZA276)
关键词 内壳层激发态 原子结构 俄歇退激发 Core-excited states Atomic structures Auger process
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