
杜洛克猪FUT1基因M229与M307位点多态性及连锁不平衡分析 被引量:2

The Polymorphism and Linkage Disequilibrium Analysis between M229 and M307 Locus of FUT1 Gene in Duroc Pig
摘要 研究表明,FUT1基因M229和M307位点皆为断奶仔猪抗F18大肠杆菌重要变异位点。本试验采用PCRSSCP和PCR-RFLP方法分别对171头杜洛克猪群体M229和M307位点多态性进行分析,结果表明:M229和M307位点均检测到3种基因型,其中M307位点AA、AG、GG基因型个体数分别为47、100、24头,基因型频率分别为0.275、0.585、0.140,等位基因A为优势基因;M229位点CC、CT、TT基因型个体数分别为90、74、7头;基因型频率分别为0.526、0.433、0.041,等位基因C为优势基因;两种基因型都呈现交叉分布,其中M307位点AA基因型个体中M229位点CC/CT基因型分布较多,TT基因型分布比例较低。通过Haploview软件分析M229和M307位点之间的连锁不平衡水平,结果发现FUT1基因M229和M307位点之间的r2值为0.46,呈现较低连锁不平衡水平。因此,今后在对杜洛克猪抗F18大肠杆菌育种工作中,可以尝试对FUT1基因M307和M229位点同时选育,以期为进一步确证这两个位点的遗传效应及利用其开展抗病育种选育提供一定的试验依据。 Previous studies have showed that M229 and M307 of FUT1 gene were key variation loci with resistance to E.coli F18 in post-weaning piglets.In this experiment,Polymorphism analysis of M229 and M307 at FUT1 was conducted by PCR-SSCP and PCR-RFLP in 171 Duroc pigs respectively.The results showed that three kinds of genotypes were detected at M229 and M307,respectively.The genotype frequencies of AA,AG and GG at M307 locus were 0.275,0.585 and 0.140,respectively;The allele A was dominant allele.The genotype frequencies of CC,CT and TT at M229 locus were 0.526,0.433 and 0.041;The allele C was dominant allele.The genotypes of two loci presented cross-distribution,and individuals of CC/CT genotypes at M229 were more than TT genotype in group of AA genotype at M307.The linkage disequilibrium level between M229 and M307 was analyzed by Haploview software,and results showed that the value of r2 were 0.46,which represented low linkage disequilibrium level.Therefore,M307 and M229 at FUT1 locus can be combined in future breeding for resistance to E.coli F18 among Duroc pigs,and then provide certain experimental basis for the genetics value of M229 locus and application this locus into breeding of disease resistance.
出处 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第11期10-14,共5页 Chinese Journal of Animal Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(31572360 31472066) 江苏省科技支撑计划(BE2015329 BE2014357) 扬州市国内产学研协同创新项目(2014-21)
关键词 FUT1基因 F18大肠杆菌 多态性 连锁不平衡 FUT1 gene pigs E coli F18 polymorphism linkage disequilibrium
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