
民主行政:一个公共行政学史的理论溯源 被引量:3

Democratic Administration:Theoretic Tracing in History of Public Administration
摘要 在公共行政学百年发展史中,官僚行政与民主行政是公共行政理论的两大范式。民主行政理论的涌现与进步,代表了一种对传统官僚行政模式的持续性批判与尝试性替代。基于文献研究,追溯了民主行政在公共行政领域的发展历程,梳理了民主行政代表性学者和学派的观点和主张。民主行政并不意味着对官僚行政的全盘否定,民主行政理论内部也并非达成了协调统一。民主行政试图在民主与效率、公民与官员之间寻求平衡,提醒公共行政的理论者和实务者思考公共行政的合法性来源和服务性本质。 Bureaucratic administration and democratic administration are the two paradigms of public administration theory in the one-hundred history of public administration.The emergence and progress of the democratic administration theory represents a kind of persistent criticism and trial alternative to the traditional bureaucratic administration.Based on literature research,this article traces the development of democratic administration in the field of public administration,and combs the views and opinions of the representative scholars of democratic administration.Democratic administration does not mean that the total negation of bureaucratic administration,and it has not reached a unified coordination,either.It is worth noting that democratic administration is trying to seek a balance between democracy and efficiency,citizens and officials,and to remind us to think about the legitimacy of public administration and service nature.
作者 代凯
出处 《福建行政学院学报》 2016年第3期26-33,共8页 Journal of Fujian Administration Institute
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(12JJD840004)
关键词 民主行政 官僚行政 行政理论 democratic administration bureaucratic administration administrative theory
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