

Prohibition of Discrimination:The Legitimacy Basis and Debate
摘要 歧视是一种区别对待的行为。禁止歧视的依据来源于法律规定和正当性的要求。当代关于禁止歧视的争论主要集中在是否应当禁止经济领域歧视和私人领域歧视这两方面的问题上。争论的实质在于:何种区别对待的行为可以判定为歧视,国家禁止歧视的界限如何判定。其实,判定直接歧视的标准是形式平等,判定间接歧视的标准则应侧重机会平等,无论是公共领域还是私人领域,只要判定为歧视的行为,国家都应当予以禁止。 Discrimination and the prohibition of discrimination is a debating theorists.The theoretical and practical requirements of prohibition of discrimination have a thorough study of the development,but there are a lot of controversy in the prohibition of discrimination.To demonstrate prohibition of discrimination is based on the concept of discrimination.It analysis the two typical classification of discrimination and the legal basis and legitimacy of the prohibition of discrimination.major contemporary debate on the prohibition of discrimination is whether it should prohibit discrimination in the economic field and whether it should prohibit discrimination in the private sphere.It discusses the essence of contemporary anti-discrimination debate.The Legitimate Basis of prohibition of discrimination is the substantive equality and substantive equality.Prohibition of discrimination should focus on formal equality and equal opportunity to grasp the limits of the prohibition of discrimination.
作者 王曼倩
出处 《福建行政学院学报》 2016年第3期57-62,共6页 Journal of Fujian Administration Institute
基金 山东青年政治学院博士科研启动基金项目(14A020)
关键词 歧视 直接歧视 间接歧视 形式平等 实质平等 Discrimination Direct Discrimination Indirect Discrimination Formal Equality Substantive Equality
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