文史交叉是中国文化的学术传统。中国上古 ,文史是不分家的。《隋书·经籍志》确立了经、史、子、集的四部分类法 ,史学与文学在目录学上才正式被分为不同的门类。文史交叉的历史演义与讲史小说 ,在晚清与民国年间尤为我国进步学者所重视。文史交叉研究的创新 ,大体可分两个方面 :一是形式上的创新 ,一是内容上的创新 ,更高的境界是二者兼而有之。改革开放以来 ,我国人民的物质文化生活与精神文化生活发生很大变化。旅游业与影视业的发展 ,不仅与日常生活息息相关 ,而且正在成为新的经济增长点。旅游文化与影视文化的开发 ,同样需要借助文史交叉的手段 ,这是现实经济文化工作的需要。
The intersection of literature and history is an academic tradition of the Chinese culture. Literature and history were inseparable in the early China and they were not divided officially into two different subjects in bibliography until the establishment of the method of four-part classification of Confucian classics, history, philosophy and literary writings in the book 'Sui suJing Ji Zhi'. The innovation in the cross study of literature and history mainly includes two aspects: one is innovation in form and the other in content, and the ideal state is the integration of both. Since China's reform and opening to the outside world, great changes have been taking place in the people's material and cultural life. The development of tourism and movies and television has not only been related closely to the people's daily life, but also become a new increasing point in economy. The development of tourist culture and movie and TV culture also need to resort to the method of literature and history intersection, which is a practical need of the economic and cultural work.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)