

A Comprehensive Analysis of the Australian International Education Reform
摘要 2015年澳大利亚教育与培训部发布《国际教育国家战略草案》,启动国际教育改革,提出了三大支柱策略、八项战略行动,旨在建立全球最好的教育体制,确保高质量的教育服务,积极拓展建设国际合作伙伴关系,变革教育服务方式,开拓新的国际教育服务领域,培养学生和研究者具有参与全球竞争合作的能力,确保竞争优势。国际教育发展具有重要的战略意义,应重视培养学生的国际化素养,保障教育质量,积极推动大学与产业的合作创新,寻求教育改革的专业化与大众化的最优结合。 In 2015 , Australian Department of Education and Training announced the Draft National Strategy for International Education. It put forward three pillar-strategies and eight strategic activities. The reform of international education started. This reform aimed to establish the best education system in the world, to ensure high-quality education service, to develop international partnerships, to transform education service ways, to pioneer new realm of international service, to prepare students and researchers for capability of participating in global competition and cooperation, and to maintain the competitive advantage. The interna-tional education development has strategic significance. Attention should be paid to cultivating students’ inter-national attainment, ensuring the quality of education, promoting the cooperative innovation between universi-ties and industries and seeking the optimal combination between specialization and popularization of education reform.
作者 陈兆磊 李霞
出处 《山东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期71-78,共8页 Journal of Shandong University of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 澳大利亚 《国际教育国家战略草案》 国际教育 Australia Draft National Strategy for International Education international education
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