
Retrieve Sea Surface Salinity Using Principal Component Regression Model Based on SMOS Satellite Data 被引量:5

Retrieve Sea Surface Salinity Using Principal Component Regression Model Based on SMOS Satellite Data
摘要 The sea surface salinity(SSS) is a key parameter in monitoring ocean states. Observing SSS can promote the understanding of global water cycle. This paper provides a new approach for retrieving sea surface salinity from Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity(SMOS) satellite data. Based on the principal component regression(PCR) model, SSS can also be retrieved from the brightness temperature data of SMOS L2 measurements and Auxiliary data. 26 pair matchup data is used in model validation for the South China Sea(in the area of 4?–25?N, 105?–125?E). The RMSE value of PCR model retrieved SSS reaches 0.37 psu(practical salinity units) and the RMSE of SMOS SSS1 is 1.65 psu when compared with in-situ SSS. The corresponding Argo daily salinity data during April to June 2013 is also used in our validation with RMSE value 0.46 psu compared to 1.82 psu for daily averaged SMOS L2 products. This indicates that the PCR model is valid and may provide us with a good approach for retrieving SSS from SMOS satellite data. The sea surface salinity(SSS) is a key parameter in monitoring ocean states. Observing SSS can promote the understanding of global water cycle. This paper provides a new approach for retrieving sea surface salinity from Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity(SMOS) satellite data. Based on the principal component regression(PCR) model, SSS can also be retrieved from the brightness temperature data of SMOS L2 measurements and Auxiliary data. 26 pair matchup data is used in model validation for the South China Sea(in the area of 4?-25?N, 105?-125?E). The RMSE value of PCR model retrieved SSS reaches 0.37 psu(practical salinity units) and the RMSE of SMOS SSS1 is 1.65 psu when compared with in-situ SSS. The corresponding Argo daily salinity data during April to June 2013 is also used in our validation with RMSE value 0.46 psu compared to 1.82 psu for daily averaged SMOS L2 products. This indicates that the PCR model is valid and may provide us with a good approach for retrieving SSS from SMOS satellite data.
出处 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第3期399-406,共8页 中国海洋大学学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under project 41275013 the National High-Tech Research and development program of China under project 2013AA09A506-4 the National Basic Research Program under project 2009CB723903
关键词 sea surface salinity retrieved algorithm SMOS principle component regression 主成分回归 回归模型 卫星数据 盐度 表面 反演 数据检索 模型验证
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