

System Design of LLC Dual-frequency Induction Heating Power Supply Introducing Time-sharing Control
摘要 设计并采用了基于LLC负载谐振技术的双频感应加热电源拓扑,采用分时控制策略,利用开关管的通断进行中高频自主切换,实现了双频电流输出。文中给出了详细的电路设计方案与参数设计原则,为进一步验证电路拓扑与控制策略的有效性,在理论分析的基础上,构建了完整的仿真模型与实验样机,仿真与实验结果表明该电源系统可有效实现负载电流的双频切换,双频作用时间可调,实现了感应加热电源的低成本和小型化,为双频感应加热电源的设计提供了工程参考。 The dual-frequency induction heating power supply based on LLC load resonant is designed and adopted, the time-sharing control strategy is applied. The on-off control of switching tube is used to realize the switch of medium-high frequency independently, and the output of dual-frequency circuit is obtained. This paper gives detail design of circuit and parameters. In order to further verify the effectiveness of the circuit topology and control strategy, on the basis of theoretical analysis, a complete simulation model is built as well as an experimental prototype. The simulation and experimental results show that the system can effectively realize the switch of dual-frequency, the action time is adjustable. The low cost and miniaturization of induction heating power supply is realized and this provides the engineering reference for the design of dual-frequency induction heating power supply.
出处 《电源技术应用》 2016年第5期20-25,共6页 Power Supply Technologles and Applications
关键词 感应加热电源 分时控制 频率控制 双频输出 LLC负载谐振 induction heating power supply time-sharing control frequency control dual-frequency LLC load resonant
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