

A Study of the Sports Talents among the Returned Overseas Chinese,1949—1966
摘要 论文选取1949-1966年间的归侨体育人才为研究对象,分析了该群体的形成原因、群体的基本特征、主要贡献,力图呈现新中国成立初期,在政治力量、侨务政策、社会经济变迁等多重因素交织作用下,归侨竞技体育人才所承载的特定历史使命、归侨竞技体育人才群体面对社会转型时的人生观与价值观以及不同历史时期海外华侨华人体育人才与中国发展之关系。归侨体育人才群体的形成,主要缘于国家动员形成的巨大拉动力量、东南亚局势动荡促成的外在推动力量,以及国家认同形成的强大精神力量;群体的规模与结构表现出明显的回归时间峰值化、空间特征区域化、回归通道社团化、来源构成多源化等特征;群体的贡献与价值主要体现在其扮演的多重角色:首先,筚路蓝缕,成为推动新中国竞技体育发展的特殊海外力量;其次,言传身教,成为指引新中国竞技体育发展的幕后英雄;最后,在"文革"中,他们开始跨国流动,走向更为广袤的空间,推动了竞技体育在更大范围的传播与交流。 This paper is focus on the sports talents among returned overseas Chinese from 1949 to 1966, and analyzes the Qrigins and characteristics of this group, with an attempt to appreciate its positive historical significance by placing this group within the framework of the development of modern China to which overseas Chinese sports talents had contributed over the time. During the founding of the People's Republic of China, returned sports talents had a special historical mission, as they were being placed under the dynamics of political forces, state's policy on overseas Chinese affairs, and the social and economic transformation and facing the difficult choices between different value systems. The formation of the returned sports talents was rooted in the strong pressure of the state mobilization, the instability of Southeast Asian politics, and the spiritual power of the national belonging. And its development had some distinctive features, which are related to factors such as the peaking of the returning time, the localizing of their geographical distributions, the communal grouping, and the multiplying of origins. The contribution and value of this group are embodied in their multiple roles: first, they became the special force that promoted the development of competitive sports in New China; Second, they brought their knowledge and coached the younger generations of Chinese sports talents; Lastly, during the Cultural Revolution, they moved across national boundaries, and moved to a broader international space, where they played a greater role of broadening cultural exchanges.
作者 郭惠杰
出处 《华侨华人历史研究》 CSSCI 2016年第2期61-70,共10页 Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies
基金 2013年度国家社科基金项目阶段性成果(13CTY013) 福建省高校新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目
关键词 归侨 体育史 竞技体育 体育人才 体育发展 跨国活动 returned overseas Chinese the history of sports competitive sports sports talent sports development transnational activities
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