
基于多理论视角的个人-环境匹配、自我决定感与情感承诺研究 被引量:29

Person-Environment Fit,Feeling of Self-Determination and Affective Organizational Commitment:A Study Based on Multiple Theory
摘要 在已有相关研究的基础上,通过3种不同的匹配理论,分别构建了自我决定感在PO匹配、PG匹配和DA匹配影响情感承诺时发生中介作用的假设模型。采用追踪研究方法,基于对335名员工先后3次的问卷调查,着重辨析了3种匹配在影响情感承诺时的作用机制是否存在差异。研究结果发现,这3种匹配对情感承诺都有显著的正向预测作用,PO匹配的标准化回归系数最高;PO匹配对自我决定感各维度具有显著预测作用,PG匹配对关系需要维度具有显著预测作用,DA匹配对胜任需要维度具有显著预测作用;PO匹配主要直接影响情感承诺,DA匹配不仅直接影响情感承诺,也会通过自我决定感的胜任需要维度间接影响情感承诺,PG匹配完全通过关系需要维度间接影响情感承诺。 This article hypothesized and tested a model in which the satisfaction of the psychological needs for autonomy,relatedness,and competence partially mediated the relations between different types of perceived PE fit and employee affective organizational commitment.Data from 335 fulltime working employees were collected across 3time periods.The main conclusions are as followed:(1)PO fit,PG fit and DA fit all had significant effect on affective organizational commitment.The influence of PO fit was even bigger.(2)PO fit had significant effect on psychological needs for autonomy.Both PO fit and PG fit had significant effect on psychological needs for relatedness.And both PO fit and DA fit had significant effect on psychological needs for competence.(3)PO fit mainly influenced employee affective organizational commitment directly.PG fit influenced employee affective organizational commitment indirectly through the satisfaction of psychological needs for relatedness,totally.DA fit influenced employee affective organizational commitment directly and indirectly through the satisfaction of psychological needs for competence.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期836-846,共11页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助重大项目(71232001) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71202176)
关键词 PE匹配 PO匹配 PG匹配 DA匹配 自我决定理论 心理需要 情感承诺 person-environment fit person-organization fit person-group fit demands-abilities fit self-determination theory psychological need affective organizational commitment
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