经济全球化是当代整个世界面向未来的客观变化。它正在改变着世界政治经济的结构、性质以及人们的生活。它对所有国家都是难得的机遇 ,同时也是严峻的挑战。如何适应这一环境 ,适时调整自身的定位与方向 ,就成为各国政府迫在眉睫的问题。本文拟就对我国政府所面临的挑战进行分析 。
The economic globalization, a reality of all human beings to face into the future, is now changing the political and economical structure and nature in the world as well as people's daily life. It offers opportunities to , and at the same time imposes challenges on, every nation, which evokes a sense of crisis of all governments in the world in their adjustment of social service policies and new orientation. The challenges the Chinese government is now facing is listed in this paper in which the social service adjustment orientation is also suggested.
Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition