本文主要研究了波普尔和哈耶克对乌托邦式的理想社会的批判。本着对道德的热情 ,建构论者所提出的理想社会具有理想主义、理性主义、线性主义、目的论的、道德主义等特征。笔者分析了两人对这种理想社会的批判 ,指出理想社会的理性主义的实质是非理性主义 ,其历史主义实质是圣人主义 ,其自由会导致奴役 ,其道德的激情会造成不道德的后果 ,以此说明 ,人类不可能一劳永逸地到达天堂式的理想社会 ,反而会因追求天堂而跌下地狱。
Based on the study and thorough analysis of Poper and Hayek's criticism on the Utopian ideal society with the features of idealism, rationalism, linearism, teleology and moralism, for which the constructivists longed, the author here in this paper agrees on the fact that the nature of rationalism in such a society is just unrationalism, the nature of historism is just saintism, its freedom will lead to bondage, and the result of its passion in morality will unavoidably immorality. This is why we hold such a view that what human beings have to face in the end is actually a hell resulting from their pursuit of a heaven, let alone they can find a heavenly ideal society once and for all.
Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition