3[澳]Ida Pfeiffer,A Woman's Journey Round the World, From Vienna to Brazil,Chili, Tahiti, China, Hindostan, Persia, and Asia Minor, London: Ingram Cooke & Co,1852.
4[英] Robert Fortune, A Residence among the Chinese: Inland, on the Coast, and at Sea,London:JohnMurray,1857,第214-218页.
5[英]John Henry Gray,Walks in the City of Canton, Hong Kong:De Souza & Co,1875, pp.652.
7[英] Robert Fortune, A Residence among the Chinese: Inland, on the Coast, and at Sea,London:JohnMurray,1857,第215页.
8[澳]Ida Pfeiffer,A Woman's _Iourney Round the World, From Vienna to Brazil,Chili, Tahiti,China, Hindostan, Persia, and Asia Minor, London: Ingram Cooke & Co,1852.111.