
抗战时期国家与中华民族认同之构建及影响——以西南少数民族为例 被引量:14

Construction and Influence of the Chinese Nation and National Identity during the Anti-Japanese War——Taking the Southwestern Minority Nationalities as an Example
摘要 八年抗战,中国人民不仅战胜了日本帝国主义,而且普遍增强了对国家和"中华民族"这个现代民族身份的认同,一种休戚与共的民族意识在中华民族危机最深重的时刻形成。西南少数民族在战前普遍缺乏国家与中华民族认同意识,这既有历史的原因,也有来自国内、外的现实原因。抗战爆发后,西南地区成为中国抗战的大后方和民族复兴基地,动员各民族共同参与抗日救亡运动,对于中国能否取得抗战的最后胜利至关重要。因此国民政府和知识界相继采取了若干措施来努力构建民族与国家认同,由此促进了西南少数民族爱国主义精神的觉醒,其所表现出的强烈的中华民族意识,成为抗战救国的重要精神力量。 Through the 8-year Anti-Japanese War, Chinese people not only overcame Japanese imperialism, but also generally strengthened the country-wise identification and the "Chinese Nation" rationale, a modern national identification. It was a "Chinese Nation" ideology of sharing weal and woe, and having a stake in each other that was formed at the most vital moment of our national crisis. Before the Resistant War, the minority ethnics in Southwest China lacked the awareness of Chinese Nation and countrywise identification, as a result of some historic reasons as well as internal and external causes. From the explosion of the war on, southwestern areas became the backyard of the War and the base of national resurgence. Therefore, mobilizing all ethnics to join the movement of fighting against Japan and saving the nation from extinction became the key to winning the final battle of the war. The Kuomintang government and the intelligentsia subsequently took lots of measures to strenuously construct the country-wise and nation-wise identification, which awaked the awareness of nationalism and patriotism in the minority ethnics in Southwest of China, demonstrated a strong ideology of Chinese Nation and played a significant spiritual role in the war of resistance to save the nation. The nation-wise and country-wise identification inspired by the resistant war not only directly led to the final victory of the War against Japanese Invasion, but also paved the way for national union and the development of China thereafter.
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期14-22,共9页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 国家社科基金重点项目"中国城市通史编纂"(12AZD083)
关键词 抗战时期 中华民族认同 国家认同 西南少数民族 the Anti-Japanese War Chinese nation identity national identity the minority ethnics in Southwest China
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