
墨西哥革命中的反教权主义运动及其评价 被引量:2

The Anticlerical Movement in Mexican Revolution and its Evaluation
摘要 20世纪前半期,伴随着墨西哥革命的到来,反教权主义运动再次爆发并不断扩展和激化。这一时期,墨西哥国家与教会之间的斗争出现了三次阶段性高潮。这场反教权主义运动在墨西哥的国家重建进程中发挥了重要作用,它推动了墨西哥现代民族国家的形成,促进了墨西哥的社会变革和文化革新运动,并加速了墨西哥"新人"的塑造。但是,这场反教权主义运动在取得巨大成就的同时,也存在不少过激行为,由于天主教势力根深蒂固,反教权主义最终没有被贯彻到底。 During the first half of the 20 th century, along with the arrival of the Mexican Revolution,anticlerical movement broke out once again and continued to expand and intensify. During this period, the conflict between church and state reached three phased climaxes. This anticlerical movement played an important role in the national reconstruction process in Mexico: it promoted the formation of modern nationstate, facilitated social transformation and cultural innovation, and accelerated the creation of Mexican "new man". Despite such great achievements, there was a lot of aggressive behavior during the movement; and because of the deep-rooted Catholicism in Mexico, this movement eventually did not achieve its original goal.
作者 韩琦 李超
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期23-31,共9页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 国家社科基金项目“墨西哥20世纪前半期的文化革新运动和现代化研究”(13BSS026)
关键词 反教权主义运动 墨西哥革命 文化革新 墨西哥天主教会 Anticlerical Movement Mexican Revolution cultural innovation Mexican Catholic Church
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  • 2Alicia Olivera Sedano,Aspectos del conflicto religioso de 1926 a 1929:sus antecedentes y consecuencias,Mexico:Instituto Nacional de Antropologiáe Historia,1966.
  • 3Robert E.Quirk,The Mexican Revolution and the Catholic Church,1910-1929,London:Indiana University Press,1973.
  • 4Jean A.Meyer,The Cristero Rebellion:The Mexican People between Church and State,1926-1929,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1976.
  • 5David C.Bailey,!Viva Cristo Rey!The Cristero Rebellion and the Church-State Conflict in Mexico,Austin:University of Texas Press,1974;Peter L.Reich,Mexico's Hidden Revolution:The Catholic Church in Law and Politics since1929,Notre Dame:University of Notre Dame Press,1995.
  • 6Ben Fallaw,“Varieties of Mexican Revolutionary Anticlericalism:Radicalism,Iconoclasm,and Otherwise,1914-1935,”The Americas,Vol.65,No.4,Apr.2009,pp.481-509.
  • 7Mary K.Vaughan and Stephen Lewis,eds.,The Eagle and the Virgin:Nation and Cultural Revolution in Mexico,1920-1940,Durham and London:Duke University Press,2006.
  • 8Matthew Butler,ed.,Faith and Impiety in Revolutionary Mexico,New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2007;Ben Fallaw,ed.,Religion and State Formation in Postrevolutionary Mexico,Durham and London:Duke University Press,2013.
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  • 10顾蓓:《试析墨西哥历史上的反教权运动》、韩琦:《浅论墨西哥的文化革新运动与现代化》,韩琦、张鹏、董国辉主编:《拉丁美洲文化与现代化》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2013年,第127-159页.












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