本文以广州满族为主要分析对象 ,探讨当代中国都市多元社会中的族群认同问题。自清代乾隆年间八旗兵驻守广州城起 ,随着社会环境的不断变化 ,满人作为特殊的社会人群制定了其相应策略 ,从而在新的社会文化基础上维持和发展着其族群认同 ;而在不同的历史时期 ,构造族群认同的种种表述实践不仅反映了不同族群间 ,尤其是与汉族的互动关系 。
Taking the Manchu as a case,the goal of the essay is to probe into the ethnic identity in the pluralistic urban society in current China.Since the garrison of Eight Banners force in Guangzhou at QianLong Era in Qing Dynasty,the Manchu as a special group have developed their adaptive tactics according to the continuous transformation of the society.In this way,they sustain and develop their ethnic identity.Therefore,the different expression practices of the ethnic identity in diverse periods are not only the explication of the interaction between the ethnic groups,especially the Manchu and Han,but also the reflection of the transformation of the social structure of the regional society and the vicissitude of the social statuses of the diverse groups.
Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities(Humanities and Sociol Science)