文章认为 ,晚发外生型的西北甘宁青早期现代化 ,是回族军阀在主流社会推动下的非自觉行为 ,他们在现代化进程中发挥了重要而积极的导向作用。但由于回族军阀没有接受过系统的近代教育 ,其自身的封建传统因素成为导致甘宁青地区现代化夭折的主要原因 ;而宗教和世俗因素的盘根错节 ,又使得回族军阀在惰性和变力之间摇摆不定 ,增加了现代化的曲折。另外 ,回族军阀的民族主义思想 ,具有破坏和建设的双重性 ,他们与国民政府间存在向心和离心的二元倾向 ,表明他们不可能最终完成现代化的领导重任。甘宁青早期现代化的最大成就 ,是启动了该地区从传统向近代社会的转型 ,为 2
The modernization of Gansu, Ningxia, and Qinghai was the unconscious action taken by the Hui warlords who played an important role in the course. The main reason for the abortion of the modernization is that the warlords did not receive systematic modern education; the complicated elements of religion and common customs led to their swing between inertia and vigor, which made the modernization course zigzag. In addition, the national ideology of the Hui warlords with double value-destruction and construction, and their dual tendency towards the government-centrifugal force and centripetal force, suggest that they could not fulfill the important task of modernization. The greatest accomplishment of the modernization is that it caused the transformation of Gansu, Ningxia, and Qinghai from traditional society to the modern one, and laid a solid foundation in material and conception for the development in the middle of 20th century.
Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities(Humanities and Sociol Science)