‘贵蜜’枇杷是以‘早红3号’为母本、‘硬枝种’为父本,通过有性杂交培育而成的中熟新品种。果形椭圆形,平均单果质量32 g,果面橙红色,皮韧易剥,果粉厚,耐贮存。果肉橘红色,肉质细软,风味浓甜。可溶性固形物含量14.6%,总糖含量8.35%,可滴定酸含量43.1 mmol·kg^(-1),维生素C含量93.4 mg·kg^(-1),品质优良。果实生育期170 d左右。该品种在贵阳地区栽培,果实于5月上中旬成熟。贵州省选择在海拔1 300 m以下,土层深厚、土质疏松、排水良好、光照充足、早霜为害较轻的地区种植,嫁接苗定植第3年结果株率100%,第4年形成幼龄丰产树冠,丰产稳产。
Guimi is a new mid-season loquat cultivar which is derived from the cross between Zaohong 3' × ' Yingzhi' in 1996 at experimental field.In the autumn of 1996,the parents was initially selected:'Zaohong 3'(Sichuan germplasm) which is opened,structured,early-maturing as female parent and choose ' Yingzhi'(Zhejiang germplasm) which is opened,strong resistance,good stability,late-maturing as male parent.Through artificial hybridization pollination,hybrid seeds were got.After regional adaptability testing at four sites(including Wudang district of Guiyang city,Xingyi city of Qianxinan Buyi and Miao autonomous prefecture,Taijiang county of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture) over14 years from 1997 to 2010,it was finally selected in 1996.This species is a dwarfing tree,attaining a height of 2.50 m;the tree is vigorous with ramose crown and open tree gesture.Branches are soft;the length of the central branch is 12.28 cm,and the diameter is 0.88 cm;the lateral branch length is 29.60 cm,width is 0.74 cm;young branches are densely pubescent,then glabrous,dull grey- brown in color.Leaves are lanceolate,21.48 cm long,6.42 cm wide,sharply serrated.Flower is white,16.19 cm long,13.02 cm wide,pedicel villous.Fruit is mainly oval.Fruit handle end is round,fruit top is flat.Sepals are short,calyx pore is closed,and the base of calyx tube is narrow and shallow depth.The fruit has orangered background.Its flesh is orange-red,soft fleshy,rich juice,fine texture and aroma,flesh thickness is9.40 mm.Powder thin,bright and beautiful.The average fruit weight 32.00 g,fruit shape index is 1.06;each fruit containing 2-5 seeds.The edible rate is 71.00%,the content of soluble solid is 14.60%,the content of total sugar is 8.35%,the titration acid is 43.1 mmol · kg^-1,vitamin C content is 93.4 mg·kg^-1.Quality is excellent.The fruit growth period is about 170 d.The maturity date is early-middle May in Guiyang,Guizhou province,the average number of single spike flowers is 161 and the yield of single spike is stronger.Branching ability is stronger.It is resistant to cold and highly resistant to leaf spot.Loquat fruit is not easy to store,the fruit of the untreated fruit can be stored in a half months at room temperature(80%fruit decay),but if refrigeration,temperature control in 1-3 ℃,relative humidity 90%-95%,in the condition of storage for 1.5 months,the rot and dry consumption is not more than 10%.Suitable cultivation area can choose below the altitude of 1 300 m in Guizhou province,soil deep,loose soil,good drainage of adequate illumination,early frost damage lighter areas planted,high and stable yield.Orchard should choose the slope below 30 degrees of suitable climate,soil deep,loose soil;flat garden select sandy soil of high elevation,low ground water level,well drained,deep soil and loose.In the southwest region,the best period of colonization was between early May and mid June.42 plants per 666.7 m~2 is appropriate;the annual number of fertilization is about 8,fertilization should choose maturity of animal manure water plus the amount of available nitrogen fertilizer.Pruning includes pinching,cutting,thinning,bending and back spune,aiming at controlling tree size and maintaining tree vigor.Flower thinning and fruit thinning must be introduced.
Journal of Fruit Science
New cultivar