目的探究妇科千金片对子宫内膜异位症患者术后生活质量及临床疗效。方法收集子宫内膜异位症术后患者76例,根据治疗方法不同分为对照组和试验组,各38例。2组均实施常规治疗以及对症治疗,根据子宫内膜异位症病灶部位实施外科切除,术后对照组给予孕三烯酮胶囊2.5 mg口服,每周2次。试验组给予术后第1次月经来潮第1天给予妇科千金片每次6片口服,3次/天,连用21 d停药,下次月经来潮继续用药,2组患者1个周期均为28 d,共治疗2个周期。治疗结束后对比分析2组患者临床疗效、术后生活质量以及不良反应。结果治疗后与对照组相比,试验组临床总有效率较高(P<0.05),治疗后2组性欲、性唤起、性高潮、性心理、性行为异常、BISF加权分值水平升高(P<0.05),与对照组相比,试验组性欲、性唤起、性高潮、性心理、性行为异常、BISF加权分值水平较高(P<0.05);2组不良反应比较,差异无统计学意义。结论妇科千金片对子宫内膜异位症患者的临床疗效显著,能够提高术后生活质量。
Objective To explore the effect of Fuke Qianjin Tablets on quality of life and clinical efficacy in patients with endometriosis uterina post-operation. Methods 76 cases with endometriosis were collected and divided into the control group and the treatment group,38 cases in each group. The two groups were based on the location of endometriosis lesions to the implementation of surgical resection,the control group was given the Gestrinone Capsules 2. 5 mg orally post-operation,twice weekly,the treatment group was given Fuke Qianjin Tablets 6 tablets,3 times per day at the first day after first menstruation,21 days for a course,a total of two treatment cycles. Clinical curative effect,postoperative quality of life and adverse reactions were compared after treatment. Results Compared with the control group,treatment group,the clinical total efficiency of the treatment group was higher( P〈0. 05),the sexual desire,sexual arousal,orgasm,sexual psychology,abnormal sexual behavior,and BISF weighted scores were increased in 2 groups( P〈0. 05),compared with the control group,sexual desire,sexual arousal,orgasm,sexual psychology,abnormal sexual behavior,and BISF weighted scores of the treatment group were higher( P〈0. 05). there was no statistically significant difference in adverse reactions between two groups. Conclusion Fuke Qianjin Tablets have significant therapeutic effect in the treatment of endometriosis uterina,can also improve the quality of life after surgery.
Chinese Journal of Biochemical Pharmaceutics
Fuke Qianjin Tablets
endometriosis uterina
quality of life
clinical curative effect