
汉学家闵福德与《易经》研究 被引量:14

A Study of Sinologist John Minford and His Research into the Yijing
摘要 闵福德(John Minford)是资深汉学家,早年以翻译中国经典小说《红楼梦》后四十回而名闻国际汉学界。其后,他翻译的《孙子兵法》和《聊斋志异》被企鹅出版社相继出版,并取得了很大反响。近期企鹅出版社又出版了他翻译的中国群经之首《易经》,该译本不同于现有以理雅各、卫礼贤等知名学者为代表的译本,而是采用直译处理,通过类似于中国经典的传统注疏编译形式,从而使读者更易于阅读和接受。本文主要从闵福德的主要汉学成就与翻译《易经》的缘起、英译《易经》的翻译思想及其策略、易学思想内涵等三方面进行评述。最后指出闵福德的翻译实践对于中国文化对外传播无疑是一个成功范例,具有深刻的启发意义和现实价值。 As a learned sinologist,John Minford is well-known in the world for his translation of the last 40 chapters of The Story of the Stone in his early years. After that,he also translated Sun Zi's The Art of War and Pu Songling's Srtange Tales for a Chinese Studio,both of which were published by Penguin Group and earned him a great scholastic resonance. More than a decade ago,Penguin Group invited him to translate the Yijing,the first among the six Chinese ancient classics,and recently published his translation,which is quite different from the translations of James Legge and Richard Wilhlem,two famous and representative ones,in the way that he translated in the literal way and arranged in the traditional exegesis of Chinese ancient classics,making it more readable and easy to accept. The paper mainly discusses and comments on his great sinologist achievements and the reasons why he translated the Yijing,his thinking and strategies on translating the Yijing,and his thoughts on the Yijing. It finally points out that John Minford 's translation practice,both inspiring and realistic,is no doubt a successful paradigm for the translation and spread of Chinese culture into the West.
作者 李伟荣
出处 《中国文化研究》 北大核心 2016年第2期150-162,共13页 Chinese Culture Research
基金 国家社科基金一般项目"英语世界的<易经>研究"(项目编号:12BWW011)
关键词 《易经》 闵福德 翻译思想 易学思想 中国文化对外传播 The Yijing John Minford thinking on translation thoughts on the Yijing the translation and spread of Chinese culture into the West
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  • 2Cyril Birch, "Preface", in John Minford and Joseph. S. M. Lau eds. , Classical Chinese Literature: From Antiquity to the Tang Dynasty, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2000: xli.
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  • 4John Minford, I Ching: The Essential Translation of the Ancient Chinese Oracle and Book of Wisdom, NY: Viking, 2014, p. 3.
  • 5“闵福德的中国文化情”,http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/wcsprd/Satellite?pagename:OUHK/tcGenericPage2010&c=C_ETPU&cid=191155146600&lang=chi&BODY=tcGenericPage,accessedonNov.28,2014.
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  • 7管黎明:"汉学家闵福德翻译出版英文《易经》",http://ny.usqiaobao.com/spotlight/2014/11-15/58960.html,访问日期:2014年11月28日.
  • 8John Minford, "嘉The Triumph: A Heritage of Sorts", China Heritage Quarterly, No. 19, September 2009.
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