

Automatic Classification Based on LiDAR Point Cloud Data of Efficient Production Technology Research
摘要 主要介绍了基于TerraSolid软件相关工具的LiDAR点云数据具体分类流程及利用比利时弗兰德斯(Flanders)约3 000 km^2LiDAR点云数据针对不同地形、地物的特点进行地面点自动分类提取实验,结合实验结果及经验,总结针对不同地形、地物的LiDAR点云数据的高效自动分类生产方式。 This article mainly introduced the LiDAR point cloud data based on Terra Solid related software tools specific classification process and use of Flanders( Belgium) of about 3000 square kilometers of LiDAR point cloud data for different terrain and object characteristics for ground points extraction experiments automatic classification,combined with the experimental results and experience,summed up according to different terrain,ground objects of LiDAR point cloud data of efficient automatic classification mode of production.
出处 《测绘与空间地理信息》 2016年第6期71-72,共2页 Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology
基金 2015年度黑龙江测绘地理信息局基础测绘科技项目(201515)资助
关键词 LIDAR TerraSolid 不同地形 自动分类 LiDAR TerraSoild different terrain automatic classification
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