目的调查一起布氏杆菌病聚集性疫情的流行病学特征,探讨布氏杆菌病的发病原因及防控措施。方法采用现场流行病学调查方法,对北京市房山区佛子庄乡发生的布病疫情进行调查分析。结果根据《布氏杆菌病诊断标准》(WS 269—2007)及流行病学资料,确定此次事件为一起布氏杆菌病聚集性疫情。传染途径为与患病羊直接或间接接触感染。结论通过多部门联防联控,疫情得到有效控制,未进一步扩大蔓延。
Objective Investigate the epidemiologic characteristics of an aggregation brucellosis,explore the incidence reasons,analyze the prevention and control measures of brucellosis. Methods The aggregation of the epidemic of brucellosis in Fozizhuang town was investigated and analyzed by employing the epidemiological survey method. Results According to diagnostic criteria of brucellosis and epidemiological data,this incident was determined as a brucellosis outbreak. The route of transmission was that the patients had touched the sick sheep directly or indirectly. Conclusion By joint prevention and control of multiple departments,the outbreak was controlled effectively and didn't expand and spread.
Capital Journal of Public Health