WTO规则对于外商投资的协议主要有《服务贸易总协定》、《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》以及《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》。这三项协议中的一些规定与我国现行的外资法形成了冲突。为适应WTO的外商投资规则 ,我国的有关外商投资的法律法规必须修改和完善 ,同时制定一部统一的《外商投资法》也是当务之急。
GATS TRIMS and TRIPS are three main agreements in WTO about foreign investment. Some conflicts have occurred between the rules of these agreements and foreign capital law of China. In order to adapt to the rules about foreign investment in WTO, we must modify and improve some laws and regulations about foreign investment. At the some time, it is very necessary to make a unitary Foreign Investment Law.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural University:Social Science Edition