The synthesis of novel high performance special epoxy resin requires organic solvents such as toluene and n-butanol, and their green and efficient recycling in the production process is essential. Aiming at the separation and recycling of toluene and n-butanol, the separation process was designed by simulated calculation method, and the operation conditions and stability of the separation process were studied. The results showed that the water produced in the reaction could be used as an entrainer, and the n-butanol which met the recycling requirements could he obtained in the bottom of the first column by azeotropic distillation; the watertoluene azeotrope was obtained in the top of the column, which went to the subsequent water-oil separation column. The toluene met the recycling requirement was obtained in the top of the separation column, and the water containing trace organics was obtained in the bottom of the column. Most of the water directly went back to the first distillation column to act as entrainer, and a small part of the water went to the wastewater treatment system. Stability analysis showed that this process had good disturbance resistance capability to fluctuations.
Shanghai Chemical Industry
Azeotropic mixture
Distillation separation