

Forced Oscillation of Higher- order Nonlinear Functional Difference Equations
摘要 本文主要考察以下具有强迫振动项的高阶泛函差分方程△mx_n+nΣ_(i=1)q_i(n)f(x_(n-τi))=c_n.我们研究三种情况:q_i(n)≥0,q_i(n)〈0或q_i(n)是变号的.其中,强迫振动项cn没有设定限制. Some new criteria for the Higher- order Nonlinear functional Di. erence Equa- tions of the from △mx_n+nΣ_(i=1)q_i(n)f(x_(n-τi))=c_n have been established under three conditions: q_i(n)≥0,q_i(n)0,orq_i(n) alternated with Positive and Negative. The forcing term cnhas no limit set.
出处 《泰山学院学报》 2016年第3期9-13,共5页 Journal of Taishan University
关键词 泛函差分方程 非线性 强迫振动项 functional difference equations nonlinear forced oscillation term
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