

Influence of Female Down Jacket Product Description on Online Shopping Intention:Comparative Study on Female College Students and Working Women Aged in 25—35
摘要 以女式羽绒服为研究案例,通过分析国内外相关研究成果,结合淘宝网产品描述现状及相关消费人群特征,形成女式羽绒服产品描述对网购意向影响量表及调查问卷。针对女大学生、25-35岁在职女性两个典型消费人群展开调查。通过调研数据分析发现:针对女式羽绒服,最为适合女大学生的产品描述方式为试穿体验型,25-35岁在职女性为信息导入型;材质、舒适性感知风险是影响消费者网购意向的决定性因素。 This paper takes female down jacket as the research case,analyzes the relevant research results at home and abroad and combines the status quo of product description on Taobao and the characteristics of related consumer crowd to form the influence scale and questionnaire of female down jacket product description on online shopping intention.The survey was done for female college students and working women aged in 25—35.The survey data show that:aiming at female down jacket,the most suitable product description type for female college students is trying experience;for the working women aged in 25—35,the most suitable product description type is information importing;perceived Risks of material quality and wearing comfort are the decisive factors which affect consumersonline shopping intention.
作者 常虹 朱秀丽
出处 《浙江理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期258-265,共8页 Journal of Zhejiang Sci-Tech University:Social Sciences
关键词 产品描述 网购意向 感知风险 感知利益 product description online shopping intention perceived risk perceived benefits
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