
福克兰(马尔维纳斯)群岛海域鱿钓渔业管理与发展 被引量:2

Management and development of squid jigging fishery of the Falkland( Malvinas) Islands waters
摘要 福克兰(马尔维纳斯)群岛海域是世界上最重要的鱿鱼渔场之一。福克兰群岛地方政府从1988年开始推行外国鱿钓渔船入渔管理体系,至今已持续20多年。本文回顾了福克兰(马尔维纳斯)群岛海域主要鱿钓渔船队的发展进程,详述了福克兰群岛地方政府的外国鱿钓入渔管理体系,分析和探讨了福克兰群岛鱿钓渔业管理的特点与问题,旨在为我国远洋鱿钓渔业的发展提供借鉴与参考。 Falkland( Malvinas) Islands waters is one of the most important squid fishing grounds in the world.Since 1988 Falkland Islands local government has introduced squid jigging fishery for foreign fleets,which has developed continually and stably up to now. In this paper,the management system of foreign squid jigging fishery and the development of major foreign squid jigging fleets in the Falkland( Malvinas) Islands waters were reviewed. The distinguishing features and problems for the management system were analyzed and discussed.
作者 王晓晴
出处 《渔业信息与战略》 2016年第2期139-145,共7页 Fishery Information & Strategy
关键词 福克兰(马尔维纳斯)群岛 鱿钓渔业 管理与发展 Falkland(Malvinas) Islands squid jigging fishery management and development
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