
成人错合畸形正畸后牙尖交错位咬合的特征性研究 被引量:2

The characteristic research of adult with malocclusion deformity after orthodontic treatment
摘要 目的探讨成人错合畸形经过正畸后牙尖交错位的咬合接触特征及变化,为成人矫治结束前精细调整及矫治后保持器选择提供参考。方法选择16例通过正畸后获得个别正常牙列形态的成人错合畸形患者,佩戴标准霍利保持器,使用T-ScanIII咬合分析系统记录患者矫治结束即刻(T1)及矫治结束后12个月(T2)左、右侧咬合力百分比差值、合力中心点COF位置、闭合时间(TO),并对两组数据进行分析比较。结果成人错合畸形患者矫治结束后12个月,左、右侧咬合力百分比差值与矫治结束即刻相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);合力中心点COF位置距灰色椭圆中心点距离与矫治结束即刻相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);闭合时间较矫治结束即刻减少,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论成人错合畸形患者正畸后佩戴标准霍利保持器,保持12个月期间牙齿生理性调整,牙尖交错位咬合接触改善。 Objective Compared the occlusal function change of adult patients with malocclusion deformity after orthodontic treatment.Methods T-Scan III system was used to record asymmetry index of occlusal force,center of force(COF)and time of occlusion after orthodontic treatment in 12 month retention of 16 adult patients with Hawley retainers.Results After 12 months retention,asymmetry index of occlusal force of left and right sides was decreased gradually,but there was no significance during the whole retention process(P〉0.05).COF was much closer to the center of grey ellipse and maxillary medial line compared to that before operation(P〈0.05);time of occlusion was lower than that after 12 months retention,which was significant difference(P〈0.05).Conclusion It was suggested that the overall dynamic occlusion improved after 12 month retention in adult patients with Hawley retainers by self-improvement process.
出处 《新疆医科大学学报》 CAS 2016年第7期873-875,共3页 Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
基金 乌鲁木齐市卫生局科技计划项目(201416)
关键词 T-ScanⅢ数字化咬合分析系统 成人错合畸形 咬合接触 T-Scan Ⅲ system Adult malocclusion Occlusal contact
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