

Acceleration Optimization Based on Variable Rotational Mass Coefficient for a Hybrid Vehicle
摘要 电子无级传动(e-CVT)混合动力车辆具有无级变速的特性,其旋转质量换算系数δ随无级传动的速比变化,并且与发动机、电机的工作状态密切相关,优化δ对提高加速性能具有重要意义.首先应用动能定理,推导得到了针对电子无级传动车辆的时变旋转质量换算系数的计算式.基于该系数,针对一款电子无级传动混合动力车辆,利用二次规划方法对加速性能进行优化计算,得到了加速性能最优的控制策略,并进行仿真验证.结果表明,基于连续可变旋转质量换算系数得到的加速控制策略有利于混合动力车辆加速性能提升. A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) with an electronic-continuously variable transmission (e- CVT) has the characteristics of continuously variable speed ratios. The rotational mass coefficient 6of the vehicle is changed with the speed ratios of the transmission, and is closely related to the working states of the engine and the motors. Optimization of the coefficient has an important significance for improving the accelerating performance of the vehicle. By applying the Kinetic energy theorem, a calculation formula of the rotational mass coefficient is derived for an e-CVT vehicle. Based on the quadratic programming (QP) method to optimize the accelerating performance of the vehicle, the optimal control strategy is obtained, and the simulation is verified. The results show that the strategy based on the rotational mass coefficient is beneficial to improve the accelerating performance of the e-CVT hybrid vehicle.
出处 《车辆与动力技术》 2016年第2期1-6,共6页 Vehicle & Power Technology
关键词 混合动力车辆 旋转质量换算系数 电子无级传动(e-CVT) 加速性优化 控制策略 HEV rotational mass coefficient electronic-continuously variable transmission (e-CVT) acceleration optimization control strategy
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