Speaking of the 'craftsmanship spirit',many people will think of the Swiss watch,German machinery,Japanese craftsmen,etc.What has been accomplished by the craftsmanship spirit are not only well-known enterprises;besides,this spirit also drives and improves the populace's cultivation,so in some sense,craftsmen also build the image of a economy and the emerging of a huge middle class,fundamental changes in the consumption structure and consumption habits of Chinese people have taken place,and people have developed their demands for 'being practical at low cost' into stressing the added value of products nowadays,such as the brand culture,originality,humanistic care,etc.However,domestic products often cannot satisfy such demands,so quite a few people choose to go abroad to go on a shopping spree,but many of them find that quite a few products are 'MADE IN CHINA',such as the popular Japanese toilet lid in these past few years.However,all in all,an object produced in China that shines more brightly abroad is only few.In recent years,numerous products in China have gradually shown the tendency that 'all flowers in bloom make the garden full of the beauty of spring';these products not only win the favor of fellow countrymen by virtue of superior quality,but also conquer large quantities of consumers in the overseas market.