目的:探讨行会阴侧切术预防性应用抗菌药物的疗效。方法:选取开封市妇幼保健院2014年6—12月自然分娩行会阴侧切术的患者180例,按随机数字表法分为2组各90例。观察组患者在常规会阴侧切术后,静脉滴注头孢唑林钠,共1 d;对照组患者给予常规侧切、缝合及消毒,不使用任何抗菌药物。比较2组患者术后切口感染率、切口愈合率、平均住院时间的差异。结果:观察组患者切口感染率为3.33%(3/90),对照组为4.44%(4/90),差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);观察组患者伤口愈合率为96.67%(87/90),对照组为95.56%(86/90),差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);观察组患者术后平均住院时间为(5.01±0.92)d,对照组为(4.85±1.11)d,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:会阴侧切术预防性应用抗菌药物,并不能预防切口感染、提高愈合率、缩短住院时间。
OBJECTIVE: To probe into the efficacy of prophylactic use of antibiotics in lateral perineal incision.METHODS: 180 cases of natural childbirth episiotomy maternal admitted into Kaifeng Maternal and Child Health Hospital during Jun. to Dec. 2014 were selected to be divided into two groups via the random number table,with 90 cases in each. The observation group were treated with intravenous cephalosporin cefazolin sodium for 1d; while the control group received routine episiotomy,suture and sterilization without any antibiotics. After the delivery,the difference of postoperative incision infection rate,incision healing rate and average hospital stay of two group of patients were compared. RESULTS: The incision infection rate of observation group was 3. 33%( 3 /90),and control group was 4. 44%( 4 /90),without any statistical significance(P〈0. 05). The incision healing rate of observation group was 96. 67%( 87 /90),and control group was 95. 56%( 86 /90),without any statistical significance(P〈0. 05). Meanwhile,the average hospital stay of observation group was( 5. 01 ± 0. 92) d,and control group was( 4. 85 ± 1. 11) d,without any statistical significance(P〈0. 05). CONCLUSIONS: Prophylactic use of antibiotics in lateral perineal incision can not prevent incision infection,improve healing rate and shorten hospital stay.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
Lateral perineal incision