介绍了2015年9月由IEC/TC46发布的由中国提出的IEC 61169-53 S7-16型射频连接器国际标准的起草背景,重点分析对比了该标准与原有同类IEC 61169-4(7-16型射频连接器)国际标准在主要性能上的差异;并对该标准所衍生出的快插兼容与快速密封封装产品进行了介绍。
IEC 61169-53 $7-16 Type RF Connector International Standard put forward by China has been officially released in September 2015 by IEC/TC46. This paper introduces the background of this international standard drafting, focusing on the comparison between this standard and the former IEC 61 169-4(7-16 RF Connector)international standard. This paper also gives simple introduction about derivatives, such as quick fit compatible products and fast encapsulation products.
Information Technology & Standardization