
人文学术与国际政治之间的张力--冷战时代英美斯拉夫学界对苏联的文学把握 被引量:3

Tension between Humanistic Scholarship and International Politics:Anglo-American Slavic Scholars' Understanding on Soviet Literature during the Cold War
摘要 二战后,在为遏制东方共产主义而超常发展"苏联学"之大势中,英美斯拉夫学界却和这一超级重点学科(苏联学)保持着明显距离:远不只是热衷于研究和出版被苏共排斥的俄侨文学、境外文学、持不同政见者文学,还同样直面苏联主流的作家作品和理论,并自主地编纂不同类型的俄罗斯文学史。之所以如此,是因为遵循斯拉夫学传统,既十分重视俄语的基础文献搜集和整理,又遵守欧洲既成的人文学术范式,从而不直接针对苏联官方话语、不依据"苏联学"范式,在话语层面能超越冷战意识形态。如此研究的魅力,是苏联对俄罗斯文学的僵化阐释所不能及的,因而反过来引领苏联末期以来的人文学术研究,为后苏联俄罗斯文学研究奠定了基础。 After WWII, against the extraordinary development of'Sovietology' in order to contain the Eastern communism, the Anglo-American Slavic scholars kept a distance from Sovietology, the super key discipline. They were not just interested in doing researches in and publishing overseas Russian literature, foreign literature and dissidents' literature, but also facing directly the works and theories of mainstream Soviet writers. Moreover, they compiled various types of Soviet literature history independently. The reason lies in that they could both follow the tradition of Sovietology, attaching great importance to the collection and collating of fundamental Russian literature, and comply with the given paradigms in European humanities. As a result, they could go beyond the Cold War mindset in discourse without directly targeting Soviet official discourse or basing itself on the paradigm of Sovietology. The charm of such research is what rigid interpretation of Soviet in Russian literature cannot catch up. Thus, in turn, it has led the humanistic scholarship after the collapse of the Soviet Union, laying a foundation for the post-Soviet Russian literature studies.
作者 林精华
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期134-178,共45页 Russian Studies
基金 国家社科基金重大项目《剑桥俄罗斯文学(九卷本)翻译与研究》(项目批准号:14ZDB089)的阶段性成果
关键词 斯拉夫学范式 苏联主流文学 人文学术与国际政治 Paradigm in Slavic Studies Mainstream of Soviet Literature Humanistic Scholarship and International Politics
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