急性髓系白血病(acute myeloid leukemia,AML)为原始粒细胞异常克隆增殖所致,易出现感染、发热、出血和贫血等;M蛋白血症为单克隆免疫球蛋白血症,具有恶病倾向;二者合并报道罕见。我们收治1例AML合并IgA-κ型M蛋白血症患者,现报告如下,并复习相关文献。
We describe a case with simultaneous occurrence of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and essential monoclonal gammopathy (EMG) of IgA-kappa. AML is caused by clonal proliferation of myeloblast and characterized by infiltration,infection, bleeding and anemia. EMG is defined as the presence of a serum monodonal immunoglobulin or a serum and urine monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain in the absence of evidence for B-cell tumor over a period of observation. EMG may harbinger the future development of a B-cell neoplasm,notably myeloma.
Journal of Clinical Hematology