
Wii Sports三种不同运动模式对小学男童能量消耗的影响

The Effects of Wii Sports Mode Intervention on Energy Expenditure of Elementary School Students
摘要 研究的目的是探讨Wii Sports不同运动模式对肥胖男童能量消耗的影响,以12名小学男童为研究对象,平均年龄10.8±0.45岁,在熟悉器材后,进行三次、每次30min的Wii Sports游戏(棒球、网球、拳击),实验过程配带便携式气体分析仪与Polar表,搜集心率、摄氧量、梅脱等能量消耗有关的各项指标。结果:拳击游戏在摄氧量(20.51±6.6ml/min/kg)、总能量消耗(64.25±15.33kcal、心率(181.35±17.52b/min)、梅脱(5.85±1.87)均显著高于网球游戏(P<0.01),网球游戏略高于棒球游戏。结论:三种运动模式中,拳击能量消耗最高,为中等强度运动,网球和棒球为中低强度运动。 Objective: To investigate the influence of Wii Sports exercise mode on energy consumption of elementary school students. Methods : Twelve elementary school students who do not exercise on regular basis were randomly selected. After familiarized with the test equipments and environment, three tests(baseball, tennis, boxing) were carry out on subjects and each test consist a thirty minute Wii Sports game play. The results are: Boxing game in VOz (20. 51±6. 6 ml / rain / kg), HR (181.35±17.52b / rain) , total energy consumption during exercise (64. 25±15. 33kcal) and METs (5.85±1.87) , were significantly higher than that of tennis and baseball games.
出处 《浙江体育科学》 2016年第4期124-127,共4页 Zhejiang Sport Science
关键词 WII sport能量消耗 拳击 网球 棒球 Wii sport energy expenditure boxing tennis baseball
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