

Textual Research on the Royal Edition of Romance of Three Kingdoms of Ming Dynasty
摘要 通过对《酌中志·内板经书纪略》《中国善本书提要》及《中国古籍善本书目》的资料挖掘,明确了通常所说的"嘉靖壬午本"《三国志通俗演义》就是明嘉靖元年内府刻本;该版本目前除了美国国会图书馆有藏外,大陆公藏尚有上海图书馆、天津图书馆、甘肃省图书馆及中国社会科学院文学所图书馆有藏。通过对上海图书馆藏本的实际考察,描述了该版本的版式特征。明代内府刊刻该书的原因有两点:一是明代最高统治者已经接受通俗小说这一文学体裁的结果;二是明代最高统治者对该书宣扬的"仁君贤臣"思想主旨以及以"忠孝节义"为核心的道德标准的高度认可。其影响也有两点:一是对明清两代刻书机构刊刻此书起到了引领与助推作用;二是对该书的版本发展起到了承上启下的作用。 Through the research of the records of the Precis of Royal Printing Books(introduction of royal printing books from an eunuch's memoirs in Ming Dynasty), Synopsis of Chinese Old Rare Books and Chinese Old Rare Book List, the article defines that the so-called 'Jiajing Renwu Edition' of Romance of Three Kingdoms is just the royal edition in the first year of Jiajing Era of Ming Dynasty. Besides the collection of the books in the Library of Congress of United States, this edition is also collected in Shanghai Library, Tianjin Library, Gansu Library and Literature Institute Library of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. According to the actual study of the edition collected in Shanghai Library, the article describes its textual characters. There are two reasons for the printing of this royal edition. One is that the monarch of Ming Dynasty has accepted this kind of literary genre, popular fiction. The other one is that the monarch of Ming Dynasty has highly accepted the concept of 'the monarch is merciful while the ministers are virtue' and the moral standard focusing on 'loyalty, filial piety, chastity and righteousness' advocated in it. And there are two aspects of its influence. One is that it plays an important role in guiding and pushing the institutions of engraving books of Ming and Qing dynasties to inscribe this edition. The other one is that it provides contextual role in the development of the editions of Romance of Three Kingdoms.
出处 《衡水学院学报》 2016年第3期113-117,共5页 Journal of Hengshui University
关键词 《三国志通俗演义》 内府刻书 俗文学 通俗小说 明代文学 Romance of Three Kingdoms royal printing popular literature popular fiction literature of Ming Dynasty
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