为了深入研究园林修剪过程中树枝的锯切机理,采用Solid Works软件建立树枝锯切的几何实体模型,将几何实体模型转换格式后导入到Ansys/Ls-dyna中建立有限元模型,并对树枝的锯切过程进行动力学仿真。通过动力学仿真,得到进给速度为0.12 m/s、锯切速度为0.5 m/s的工况下,树枝切断过程中的锯切力、正压力变化曲线及相应应力状态,将该曲线与锯切过程中的理论值对比,验证了Ansys/Ls-dyna软件对树枝锯切过程模拟仿真的可行性和准确性。为优化高枝锯的结构参数、改善受力状况和工作性能提供了理论依据。
In order to further study the branch sawing mechanism in garden pruning process,solidworks is used to establish a geometry solid model of branch sawing,followed by import into Ansys/Ls- dyna after the format conversion of the model to establish a finite element model for dynamic simulation of the branch sawing process,and through dynamic simulation,the sawing force and positive pressure change curve and corresponding stress state under the conditions of a feed speed of 0. 12 m/s and a cutting speed of 0. 5m/s are obtained,This curve is compared with the theoretical value in the sawing process to verify the feasibility and accuracy of Ansys/Ls- dyna in the branch sawing process,which provides theoretical basis for optimizing the structural parameters of pole pruning saws and improving stress situation and work performance.
Forestry Machinery & Woodworking Equipment