
双发进气道抽吸试验系统及流量高精度测量技术 被引量:6

The pumping system and precise mass flow measuring technique for double-inlet wind tunnel test
摘要 针对常规进气道试验方法存在流量测量精度低、综合试验能力差等诸多问题,及无法满足不同类型进气道在不同工况下开展性能试验的需要的状况,建立了一套应用于TBCC等双发发动机进气道风洞试验的抽吸试验系统及流量高精度测量技术。系统采用文氏流量计测量方法,以提高进气道流量测量的精度;采用在流量计末端直接加装中压环形引射器抽吸进气道主气流的方法,以满足不同类型进气道在不同工况下对吸入流量的需求;通过设计两套独立的管道系统并分别进行流量的测量与控制,以满足双发进气道不同工况性能匹配和耦合试验的需求。通过风洞验证试验验证了流量计的测量效果和引射器的引射能力,通过风洞应用试验验证了试验系统对不同形式进气道的综合试验能力。试验结果表明,试验系统测量精度高,引射抽吸能力和综合试验能力强,能全面满足各类进气道风洞试验的需求。 Inlet test in wind tunnel is a primary approach to evaluate the performance and obtain the characteristic parameters of the inlet. Traditional inlet test technique has some obvious problems, such as low mass flow measurement precision, and inferior test capability, cannot satisfy the inlet tests of different kinds or at different states. The pumping system and mass flow measuring technique of high precision for double-inlet wind tunnel test is established in the FD-1 2 wind tunnel. The mass flow measuring device using venturi measuring method is introduced toadvance the mass flow measurement precision. The mass flow inbreathed by the inlet is increased by means of middle-pressure annular pumping device set at the exit of the mass flow measuring device to satisfy the inlet tests of different kinds or at different states. Two flowpaths were designed to measure and control the mass flow separately, so that the system can satisfy the performance matching and coupling test of doubee inlets at different states. Wind tunnel tests show that the effectiveness of the measuring device and pumping capability of the pumping device are testified ? and the general test capability for inlets of different kinds is also validated. The test results show that the test system is of high measuring precision, strong pumping and wide test capability,and the corresponding technique may satisfy almost all kinds of inlet tests in windtunnel.
出处 《空气动力学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期392-397,共6页 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
关键词 进气道 性能评估 双发进气道试验系统 流量高精度测量 中压环形引射 inlet performance evaluating double-inlet test system mass flow measuring of high precision middle-pressure annular pumping
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