

Research on Moire Pattern of Three Dimensional Printing
摘要 随着成本的不断降低与技术的快速发展,三维打印技术(three dimensional printing,3DP)在越来越多的领域得到应用,制造的产品也逐渐步入大众的生活。目前阻碍3DP产品进一步推广的一个很大瓶颈在于单调呆板的产品外观,很难制造出具有复杂丰富表面的制件。本文对三维打印中莫尔现象的形成机理进行研究并将该现象用于构建动态条纹来使3DP的制件拥有复杂变化的表面外观。基于动态条纹的形成原理,将期望的几何图案信息整合到层片的填充路径中最后可得到复杂的动态图案。该研究成果为提高制件的外观质量提供了有效的解决方法,可进一步扩展三维打印技术的应用领域。 As the continuous reduction of cost and rapid development of technology, three dimensional printing technologies have been used in a wide array of applications, and its products has gradually stepped into public life. Currently, one of the biggest barriers in the development of the 3D printing technology is the simple and monotonous exterior appearance of the products, which rarely have complex and rich pattern or colors. Based on the Moire phenomenon in the 3D printing process, this paper analyzes the formation of this phenomenon, which is subsequently applied in the construction of dynamic pattern in the appearance of fabricated parts. Then, the dynamic pattern is extended to the dynamic geometry for the appearance of parts by integrating the expected geometry into the tool-path for each layer in the filling process. The dynamic geometry can be relatively complex depending on the tool path design. The results of this research provide an effective method for improving the exterior appearance of fabricated parts, and also increase the potential application of 3D printing technologies.
出处 《科技通报》 北大核心 2016年第6期109-112,共4页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
关键词 三维打印 莫尔条纹 动态图案 图层分解 three dimensional printing moire pattern dynamic geometry layer decomposition
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