

Brain potentials related to facial expression processing in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
摘要 目的探讨注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)患儿面孔表情加工成分的特征。方法收集符合DSM—Ⅳ诊断标准ADHD患儿35例及与其性别、年龄匹配的正常儿童35例作为对照组,比较两组在高兴、中性、愤怒、恐惧4种表情面孔的视觉刺激下.枕、颞区P100及N170波幅差异。结果 ADHD组在各种面孔刺激下,两侧枕区P100波幅低于对照组,两侧枕、颞区N170波幅低于对照组;ADHD组组内比较各种表情刺激下P100及N170波幅无明显差异,而对照组组内左枕区P100波幅由高兴、愤怒、恐惧面孔诱发明显高于中性面孔,左颞区N170波幅由恐惧面孔诱发明显高于中性面孔。结论 ADHD患儿对不同面孔表情的加工均有减弱,P100波幅分析提示ADHD患儿在早期情绪无意识加工过程中失去对正性及负性面孔的注意偏向,N170波幅分析提示ADHD患者对恐惧面孔特征的识别异常。 Objective To investigate the brain potentials of facial expression processing in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods Thirty five children with ADHD diagnosed according to DSM-IV criteria and 35 age- and gender-matched normal children as controls were enrolled in the study. The P100 and N170 component wave amplitude in occipitotemporal area evoked by happy, neutral, anger and fear expression facial visual stimuli were compared between two groups. Results With the four expression facial visual stimuli, bilateral occipital P100 amplitude of ADHD children was lower than that of normal controls; and the bilateral occipital and temporal N170 amplitude were lower than those of control group. There were no significant differences in N170 and P100 amplitude of ADHD group who were stimulated by four expression faces. In control group the left occipital P100 wave amplitudes evoked by happiness, anger and fear expression faces was significantly higher than that evoked by neutral expression face, and the N170 amplitude in the left temporal region evoked by fear expression face was significantly higher than that by neutral faces. Conclusion P100 component analysis shows that ADHD children lost the attention bias of the positive and negative faces in the early emotional unconscious process, N170 component analysis shows that ADHD children identify fear expression face abnormally.
出处 《浙江医学》 CAS 2016年第9期620-623,共4页 Zhejiang Medical Journal
基金 宁波市自然科学基金(2012A610251) 宁波市自然科学基金(2014A610266) 浙江省卫生厅医药卫生科技计划项目(2012KYB183)
关键词 注意缺陷多动障碍 表情面孔 情绪图片 脑诱发电位 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Facial expression Affective pictures Cerebral evoked potential
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