Convertible bonds are small to the total amount of bonds issued in our market. On one hand, restrictions make it difficult to issue convertible bonds of listed companies. On the other hand, there is a conflict between the terms of the convertible bond, about which listed companies are worried. In this pa- per, we use descriptive statistics to summarize the status and the terms of the convertible bond issued, and analyze the cause of conflict between putable and resettable conversion prices in the contrarian market. Be- sides, we also use experimental research method to test effects of protecting interest for the holders of con- vertible bonds thought Delta arbitrage model. Experimental results show that the holders of convertible bonds can protect themselves thought the Delta arbitrage model and that case can solve the interest conflict of convertible bonds tripartite. Although the results of arbitrage are affected by the higher trading rates of short selling, the holders of convertible bonds can protect themselves through Delta model after the market launch of stock options.
Fiscal Science