

On Political Islam: the Problem of Asian Hizbut-Tahrir
摘要 伴随着解体后出现的思想真空,原苏联中亚地区的伊斯兰开始复兴,"伊扎布特"乘势进入中亚。伊扎布特在中亚散布宗教极端思想,从事反政府和分裂活动,其危害在乌兹别克斯坦尤为严重。伊斯兰复兴、相对恶化的经济条件、权力分享族际的失衡、年轻男性失业人口的猛增等因素相结合,为伊扎布特的发展提供了土壤。中亚国家需要在政治、经济、法律等多个层面综合施策,标本兼治,才能从根本上杜绝宗教政治化,维护国家与社会稳定。 With the emergence of ideological vacuum after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union,Hizbut-Tahrir began to revive in the Central Asia of the former Soviet Union,and has the momentum into the Central Asia. The most obvious features of the activities of Hizbut-Tahrir in the Central Asia are the anti-government and separatist activities in the field of ideology spread by religious extremist ideology. There are many complex reasons for the rise of the Hizbut-Tahrir in the Central Asia. Such as,the ideological vacuum after the collapse of the former USSR and harsh economic conditions provided the space and infrastructure for the emergence of Hizbut-Tahrir in the area; the share with power imbalances is a certain relationship; what's more,the relative deprivation theory,resource mobilization theory and social mobilization theory are very vital factors. In a word,given the current situation for the Hizbut-Tahrir,it is necessary for the Central Asian countries to do a full range of trade-offs in the aspects about political,economic,legal,etc. And they can safeguard the national and social stability,and prevent the politicization of religion.
出处 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第2期109-117,共9页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2013年度国家社科基金一般项目“中亚与中国新疆恐怖主义问题应对机制比较研究(13BZZ029)”的研究成果
关键词 中亚 伊扎布特 圣战 Central Asia Hizbut-Tahrir Holy War
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