
王晓燕教授从五脏论治小儿肺炎喘嗽 被引量:4

Professor Wang Xiaoyan in Treating Pneumonia-induced Asthma and Cough from Five Viscera
摘要 肺炎喘嗽为儿科常见病,王晓燕教授认为其病位虽主在肺,然与心、脾、肝、肾诸脏均密切相关,痰、热、瘀为其病理产物。治疗以宣肺开闭为主,配合活血化瘀、运脾化痰、平肝补肾等治疗,五脏兼顾,收效甚佳。本文重在介绍王晓燕教授从中医整体观念出发对小儿肺炎喘嗽的认识。 Pneumonia-induced asthma and cough is a common disease in pediatrics, although the site of endogenous cough is lung. it also has a close relation with heart, liver, spleen and kidney. The phlegm, the heat and the wet are the pathological products. The main treatment is purging the pathogenic fire of the lung with soothing the liver and nourishing the kidney, promoting blood flow for eliminating stasis, activating spleen for resolving phlegm, paying attention to the lesion of other viscera, and the effect is good. This paper focused on the understanding of Professor Wang Xiaoyan from the holism concept of traditional Chinese medicine based on pe-diatric pneumonia.
作者 王芳 王晓燕
出处 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2016年第10期68-70,共3页 Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
关键词 肺炎喘嗽 儿科 五脏论 整体观念 pneumonia-induced asthma and cough pediatrics five viscera holism concept
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