目的了解河南省1995—2014年输入性恶性疟的流行特征,为该省输入性恶性疟防治提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法对河南省1995—2014年输入性恶性疟疫情资料进行统计分析。结果 1995—2014年河南省共有疟疾病例49 521例,年均发病率为2.63/10万;输入性恶性疟共有783例,在1995—2006年间变化不大,从2007年开始,输入性恶性疟处于上升趋势,在疟疾病例中所占的比例也逐年上升,2007—2014年各年输入性恶性疟发病率呈渐近显著性(χ^2=8.000,P=0.005);各省辖市均有发病,发病率高于全省平均发病率的有濮阳、洛阳、郑州、安阳、新乡和许昌6个省辖市;全年均有发病,5—7月发病较多;青壮年男性为发病主要人群;职业分布中以农民、工人和民工为主;2000年前主要感染来源于国内其他省份,其后主要来源于非洲国家地区;患者自发病到确诊时间的中位数为3d,最长为334d,24h内被确诊的有88例,占11.24%。结论河南省输入性恶性疟疾发病率总体呈上升趋势,需要加强对流动人口的管理,做好输入性恶性疟的防控与管理工作。
[Objective]To understand the epidemic characteristics of imported falciparum malaria in Henan Province from 1995-2014,provide scientific basis for the control of imported falciparum malaria in Henan Province.[Methods]The epidemic data of f imported falciparum malaria in Henan Province during 1995-2014 were analyzed by using descriptive epidemiological method.[Results]A total of 49 521 malaria cases were reported in Henan Province during 1995-2014 with the average annual incidence of 2.63/lakh.783 cases of imported falciparum malaria were reported during 1995-2014. The epidemic situation was steady from 1995 to 2006,and it showed a rising trend since 2007,while the proportion of imported falciparum malaria cases to total malaria cases increased gradually. From 2007 to 2014,the annual incidence of imported falciparum malaria showed the asymptotic significance(χ^2=8.000,P=0.005). The cases were reported in every provincial city,and the provincial cities which the incidence rate was higher than the provincial average incidence rate included Puyang City,Luoyang City,Zhengzhou City,Anyang City,Xinxiang City and Xuchang City. The cases occurred every month and peak season appeared May to July. Most of patients were young men. Occupational distribution revealed that patients were mainly farmer,worker and migrant worker. The main source of infection was from other provinces in China before 2000,but it was from African countries and regions after 2000. The median interval from symptom appearing to diagnosis was 3 days,and the longest interval was 334 days. 88 cases were diagnosed within 24 hours,accounting for 11.24%.[Conclusion]The incidence rate of imported falciparum malaria shows a rising trend in Henan Province. It is necessary to strengthen the management of floating population,to prevent and control the imported falciparum malaria.
Occupation and Health
Imported falciparum malaria
Management of floating population