目的分析云南省县级及以上婚检机构资源和服务能力情况,为今后机构建设和业务指导提供依据。方法对云南省所有县级及以上开展婚前医学检查的妇幼保健机构进行问卷调查,EpiData 3.1录入数据库,采用SPSS19.0软件进行统计分析。结果 10.0%的州市级和5.6%的县区级机构没有分设男女专用婚检室;30.0%的州市级和27.8%的县区级机构没有设宣教室;10.0%的州市级和17.4%的县区级机构没有设咨询室;0.7%的县区级机构未开展婚前卫生咨询,51.4%的县区级机构没有X光机等辅助设备;80.0%的州市级和68.5%县区级机构没有婚检、结婚登记一站式服务。结论云南省县级及以上婚检机构在资源和服务能力方面都有欠缺。提高认识、加强人员配备及培训、增加投入、规范服务、优化流程、调整政策,有利于推动云南省婚前保健工作发展。
Objective To analyze the resources and service capabilities of premarital examination institutions at and above county level in Yunnan province, provide a basis for future institution construction and professional guidance. Methods Questionnaire survey was con- ducted among maternal and child health care institutions that carried out premarital medical examinations at and above county level in Yuunan province. EpiData3. 1 software was used for database entry, and SPSS19. 0 software was used for statistical analysis. Results Among all in- stitutions investigated, 10. 0% of the city-level and 5. 6% of the county-level institutions didn't set up men- and women-only premarital examination rooms; 30. 0%o of the city-level and 27.8% of the county-level institutions didn't set up education rooms; 10. 0% of the city- level and 17. 4% of the county-level institutions didn't set up consulting rooms; 0. 70 of the county-level institutions didn't develop pre- marital medical counseling; 51.4% of the county-level institutions had no assistant devices such as X-ray machines; 80. 0% of the city- level and 68.5% of the county-level institutions had no one-stop service of premarital and marriage registration. Conclusion The resources and service capabilities of premarital examination institutions at and above county level in Yunnan province is inadequate. Enhancing aware- ness, strengthening staffing and training, increasing investment, standardizing services, optimizing processes, and adjusting policies will pro- mote premarital health care development in Yunnan province.
Maternal and Child Health Care of China
Premarital institution
Service capability
Survey and analysis