
遵义地区留守儿童早期重症龋相关因素分析 被引量:8

Analysis on related factors of severe early childhood caries in left-behind children in Zunyi area
摘要 目的 探讨遵义地区3~6岁留守儿童重症龋患病情况及发病相关因素。方法 采用整群抽样法对遵义地区城乡幼儿园206例留守儿童龋齿情况进行调查,统计重症龋患病情况,比较重症龋儿童和非重症龋儿童家庭状况、饮食习惯和口腔行为,对单因素分析有统计学意义的因素进行多因素Logistic回归分析。结果 206例留守儿童中重症龋患病率为49.03%(101/206)。重症龋组儿童和非重症龋组儿童的父母文化程度、居住区域、饮水来源、兄弟姐妹、家庭收入、父母龋齿情况、长辈嚼食喂养、使用奶瓶时间、含奶瓶睡觉、糖果甜食摄入、补钙、偏食挑食、开始刷牙时间、刷牙频率、家长监督刷牙、家长口腔保健知识及过去12个月牙疼等17个因素比较差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示:补钙、开始刷牙时间、刷牙频率及家长监督刷牙是留守儿童重症龋的保护因素,糖果甜食摄入频率、偏食挑食是危险因素。结论 遵义地区留守儿童患龋率高,重症龋患儿较多,在预防方面除加强控制糖果甜食摄入频率、矫正刷牙习惯、提高家长监督外,还注意补钙和防止儿童偏食挑食。 Objective To explore the prevalence and related factors of severe dental caries in children aged 3-6 years old in Zunyi area. Methods The dental caries condition of 206 left-behind children from kindergartens in urban and rural areas in Zunyi area were investi- gated through cluster sampling method. The prevalence of severe caries was analyzed statistically, the family status, dietary habits, and oral behavior between severe caries children and non-severe caries children were compared. The factors which had statistically significance in sin- gle factor analysis were analyzed by multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results The prevalence rate of severe caries in 206 left-behind children was 49. 03 % ( 101/206 ) . There were statistically significant differences in parental educational level, living area, drinking water sources, brothers and sisters, family income, dental caries of parents, chewing feeding by elders, using bottle time, sleeping with bottle, in- take of sweets, calcium supplement, being choosy in food, initial brushing time, frequency of tooth-brushing, tooth-brushing surveillance by parents, parental oral health care knowledge, and toothache in past 12 months between severe caries group and non-severe caries group (P〈0. 05 ) . Logistic regression analysis showed that calcium supplement, initial brushing time, frequency of tooth-brushing, and tooth- brushing surveillance by parents were the protective factors of severe caries in children, while frequency of sweets intake and being choosy in food were the risk factors. Conclusion The prevalence rate of caries in left-behind children in Zunyi area is high, the number of children with severe caries is high; the frequency of sweets intake should be controlled, the brushing habits should be corrected, tooth-brushing sur- veillance by parents should be improved, and more attention should be paid to calcium supplement and prevention of being choosy in food.
作者 李杨 房丹
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 2016年第12期2492-2496,共5页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
基金 贵州省科技基金(黔科合J字LKZ〔2012〕35号)
关键词 留守儿童 重症龋 患病率 危险因素 Left-behind child Severe caries Prevalence rate Risk factor
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